Megyn Kelly Suggests Trump Would Have Hard Time Withstanding Sexual Misconduct Allegations in Court
While appearing on “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on Monday, NBC host Megyn Kelly suggested President Donald Trump faced an uphill battle in discrediting his accusers' claims that he sexually harassed them. “I used to practice law for 10 years,” Kelly told host Andrea Mitchell. “As a practical matter, the consistency of the allegations and his own admissions on tape deliver a problematic case to him.” Kelly drew comparisons between what Trump's accusers claimed he did and what she said he admitted to doing on tape. She specifically cited an interview with radio host Howard Stern, as well as the now-infamous “Access Hollywood” tape in which Trump appeared to joke about groping women's genitals. On Monday, Kelly hosted three of Trump's accusers on her show “Megyn Kelly Today.” She cited how two of those women accused Trump of doing things he mentioned doing on tape. In one case, Kelly said, a woman accused Trump of lining up her and other Miss USA contestants “like ...