People FREAK As ‘Mad Dog’ James Mattis Removes 1 Thing From Each Military Branch
People are freaking out after Secretary of Defense James Mattis made a huge announcement . He said that he is removing one thing from each branch of our military. This is going to be revolutionary. Mattis just made a move to clean out the military and remove personnel from each branch that just can’t cut it. The new policy that is being implemented by the Pentagon under his directions, will ensure that service members who have not been deployable for over a year are going to be removed from service. According to our source, Mad World News , the new policy is being described as a way to ensure that the deployment burden within the armed forces is fairly shared. Mattis was careful to include certain exceptions to the new policy for pregnant or wounded warriors to prevent the dismissal of service members who are not deployable for some reason. “People who’ve been injured and not returned to duty. People who have — and I’m not talking about combat inju...