Watchdog Group Produces Unexpected FBI Files Connecting Robert Mueller to…
Earlier this month,a court filing submitted and reviewed suggests that while serving as the director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013, special counsel Robert Mueller’s actively tried to cover up disturbing links between a Saudi Arabian family living in Sarasota, Florida and the 9/11 terror attacks.
FBI agents were “alerted by neighbors’ that something isn’t right on 4224 Escondito Circle, because of a lack of activity and three vehicles apparently abandoned in the driveway and garage. So, they converged there within weeks of the 9/11 attacks and discovered “mail on the table, dirty diapers in the bedroom, made beds, a refrigerator full of food, and closets with entire wardrobes intact”.
According to our source, Proud Conservative, many people believed that it must be related of some sort to the Sept. 11 attacks. Not much was made of that until 2011. Then Florida Bulldog unveiled these facts in an exclusive report that quickly garnered attention from the Miami Herald and other paper outlets. However, FBI officials immediately rejected the story, claiming that it had thoroughly investigated the Sarasota family and could find no links with the hijackers.
After one year, when Florida Bulldog watchdog organization filed a Freedom of Information Act suit against the FBI, demanding it release its records on the Saudi family, it discovered an ugly truth.
“Further investigation of the (name deleted) family revealed many connections between the (name deleted) and individuals associated with the terror attacks on 9/11/2001.” the records desclosed.
Nevertheless, one thing that was not deleted from the records was the address of 4224 Escondito Circle, which is the same address of the suspicious Saudi Arabian family. This only confirms that the FBI knew and lied about the family’s links to the Sept. 11 attacks, which is quite worrying.
Yet, it gets worse. Additional FBI records reviewed this month by Florida Bulldog, suggested that it was Mueller who ordered the agency to lie.
“Mueller … is referenced in a document index created in late November by the FBI at the direction of U.S. District Judge William J. Zloch of Fort Lauderdale. The index reference to former FBI Director Mueller is contained in an item about a FBI white paper that was written one week after the Bulldog and the Miami Herald simultaneously published the Bulldog’s story about the abrupt departure of Saudis Abdulaziz and Anoud al-Hijji from their Sarasota area home about two weeks before 9/11.” – the watchdog group declared.
Can you imagine that this is the same man currently leading President Donald Trump’s investigation!?!?
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