Trey Gowdy Bulldozes Straight Through The Shady Left & Leaves Them Exposed
Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business News interviewed Trey Gowdy earlier this morning. And WOW what a power packed interview!
Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) not only is the Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, but also serves on the House Committees on Intelligence, Ethics, and Judiciary. This is a guy who is worth listening to at every turn to stay informed on what they are doing to bring the Obama-era DOJ and FBI to justice!
Maria is ON FIRE! With her hard hitting questions and her pulse on what American’s want to know!
During the interview, Maria made a statement that is right on point for a lot of patriotic Americans! She began with this powerful truth. She said:
During the interview, Maria made a statement that is right on point for a lot of patriotic Americans! She began with this powerful truth. She said:
“American’s want to see the rule of law. If we cannot trust the FBI, CIA and …the IRS then what is the point of the ‘Freedoms of America?’”
Then Maria asked the question that is burning in most American’s minds. She asked Trey Gowdy the following regarding the Mueller-Trump Russia collusion probe:
“We’ve been watching this Russia probe. How long is this going to go on? Because we still haven’t had any evidence of any collusion. When is it appropriate for Bob Mueller to come out and say, ‘Yes, definitively there’s no collusion here but what I have uncovered is collusion at the top of the FBI between the FBI leadership and Hillary Clinton’?“
And Trey’s response SLAMS Adam Schiff on his shifty ways!
“…Adam Schiff says he has evidence of collusion…so I would tell your viewers: Wait on Bob Mueller’s Investigation…almost 60 Democrats voted to move forward with impeachment already before Bob Mueller’s released a single finding.
“…Adam Schiff says he has evidence of collusion…so I would tell your viewers: Wait on Bob Mueller’s Investigation…almost 60 Democrats voted to move forward with impeachment already before Bob Mueller’s released a single finding.
People in the House have already made up their minds and they seem to be going after evidence that validates or ratifies what they already believe. We have several witnesses left to interview… I DO have confidence that Bob Mueller will reach the right decision. Hopefully, the American people can have confidence in what he produces. But you can’t have confidence in an investigation when the ranking Democrat prejudges it before you’ve interviewed your very first witness.”
Gowdy hit the nail directly on the head with that statement. There is so much bias on the left that they can’t use simple logic before making a decision on anything anymore. Democrats would rather resist anything put forth by the President than doing what’s right. And as for Mueller, the right thing to do is let him release findings before jumping to biased conclusions.
Do YOU think Democrats are unethically doing everything they can to get rid of Trump? Drop a comment below and let us know!
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